There are various benefits of deep breathing exercises. These range from reduce stress to improved digestion and a natural pan reliver.
When done correctly, deeo breathes release toxins, promote blood flow and foster healthy body functions and sound sleep.
Races as we knew them are indefinitely put on hold. So what now?
Well there's actually many others way to challenge your self and stay fit. Case & point, run a marathon in 25 hours.
Runcoach athlete Aimee shares her motivations behind this unique quaratine challenge! We're sweating just reading about it!
1)What are your reactions to the COVID19 pandemic?
COVID 19 has been and will continue to be an extraordinarily difficult experience for many in our nation and around the world. Many of my close friends are on the frontlines in healthcare and I am so grateful for their sacrifices. They make it possible for me to do something fun, like run a marathon in 25 hours.
2)How do you stay motivated to continue to be active?
I live in Florida with two young boys so inactivity has not really been a choice! I am surrounded by great weather and lots of energy! We have been doing lots of running, biking, swimming and kayaking through the quarantine which has been such a blessing. However, the biggest motivator for me is that I truly believe in the mental and emotional benefits of exercise in addition to the physical effects. So even on days that I do not feel motivated or excited about exercising, I remind myself of the reason I stay active: to practice self care. Not only for myself but also to hopefully be an example to my kids and students.
3)Tell us a bit about the quarantine challenge and how you completed it?
I completed the “Marathon in 25 Hours” Quarantine Challenge. My training partner Mellissa found the challenge on Instagram and we decided to try it! The challenge began on Saturday at 12:00 noon. The plan was to run two miles on even hours (12:00, 2:00, 4:00 …) and on odd hours we would run one mile until we reached 18 miles on Saturday. Towards the end of the evening Saturday I was losing motivation so I modified the plan and ran 3 miles at 7:00pm and 4 miles at 8:00pm to reach 18. On Sunday, we began running 1 mile on the hour every hour at 6:00am. We completed 8.2 miles to finish the full 26.2 in 25 hours!
Admittedly, when I first saw the challenge, it did not seem intimidating. We had just completed the Dopey Challenge in January which consisted of 48.6 miles in 4 days (5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon). Then I completed another full marathon in February. So this seemed doable. However, I grossly underestimated the effect stopping and starting would have on my body and mind. The first several rounds were great but eventually my legs started tightening in between runs. It was difficult to get them moving again! It was also challenging to find motivation to get up and start the next round as the day continued. This is why I modified the plan and increased my milage towards the end of the day. I knew eventually I would succeed in talking myself out of getting off the couch so I just got to 18 as fast as I could! Sunday was a little bit easier as it was just a mile per hour. But with 6 miles left, I found myself fatigued. I reached out to a friend of mine and she encouraged me to dedicate each mile to someone in my life and focus on them rather than myself. That was hugely beneficial in helping me finish out the last 6 hours.
An additional component of the challenge that I did not anticipate was fueling properly. In retrospect, I should’ve had a better plan of what I was going to eat and when to eat it. Spreading the miles out over so many hours but running every hour made it difficult to eat enough calories throughout the 25 hours.
One fun thing about this challenge was that I was able to run at a pace much faster than my traditional marathon pace. I completed this marathon 40 minutes faster than my PR!
4)How did you find Runcoach?
I am new-ish to running. I started running two years ago because of a deal I made with one of my students (I am a college professor). My first goal was to complete a half marathon which I thought was certainly impossible. I have never been a runner, much less a long distance runner. Once I completed the first half marathon, I fell in love with running. It has truly made me a better mom, wife, professor, friend etc. I then set a goal to complete a full marathon. I have now completed 2 ( 3 if you count the challenge) marathons, 5 half marathons, 2 10Ks and several 5k’s in a little less than 2 years. I had proven to myself that I can, in fact, finish. So I set a new goal to improve my time and become a stronger runner. I felt overwhelmed trying to plan my speed workouts, tempo runs and guess my goal paces so I started looking into finding a running coach and that search lead me to the runcoach app. It was such a relief to find the app! I have been using the app for a little over a month and my speed has already increased significantly and I feel much stronger during my long runs! I plan to run a marathon in November and cannot wait to see the progress I have made with the help of the app and coaches.
5)What’s your advice to folks struggling with motivation due to race cancellation?
My advice is to remember why you are running. Races are certainly one of the best and most exciting parts of running. However, the health and wellness benefits are undeniable and more impactful than medals and race shirts (which are admittedly awesome and the only things I collect!)
This is Coach Tom’s favorite routine which will target many of the running muscles and also areas of weakness. It takes just 20 minutes and it will develop your flexibility, strength, and core muscles. (Core muscles include the muscles in your abdomen, back, pelvic floor, and glutes.) We recommend that you do 8-10 reps, 2 times per week. If any of the exercises are too challenging at first, please shorten the duration. Over time, you will get stronger and be able to increase the duration.
Left and Right Side Planks - Targets the lateral abs
Hamstring Bridge - Targets the hamstrings (back of the thighs) and gluteus maximus (buttocks)
Cobra - Abdominal Stretch
Close Hand Push Ups - Also known as Narrow Grip Push Ups
Glute Stretch - Stretches the buttocks muscles
Single Leg Squat - Challenges balance, quadriceps (front of thighs), hamstrings (back of thighs), and glutes (buttocks muscles)
Quad Stretch - Stretches the front of the thighs
Partner Punishment - Targets abdominal muscles
Pointers - Core Body Stabilization
Hamstring Stretch - 3 different stretches that target the back of the thighs
Pretzel Stretch - Stretches the muscles of the back
Calf Stretch - Stretches the calves (back of lower leg) and achilles (back of feet)
Leg Swings - 3 different exercises that target the core muslces and stretch the pelvis, hips, and hamstrings
Foam Roller - "Self Massaging" routine
What is mental health?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as ‘a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to her or his community’. Mental illness can impact anyone, of any age and background. Achieving and maintaining good mental health and well-being is important for everyone.
How common are mental health issues?
It is estimated that, 1 in 6 working age people can suffer from mental illness. Another 1/6 of the population can be affected by symptoms associated with mental ill health, such as worry, sleep problems and fatigue, which, while not meeting criteria for a diagnosed mental illness, will be affecting their ability to function at work.
Have a conversation:
It's okay to feel stressed out or unsure of how to cope with the daily demands on your plate. Keep a pulse on your heart rate, behavior, and mood. If you notice changes, have a conversation!
> Choose a trusted friend, coworker,
> Select a private and comfortable place and time
> Discuss the changes you’ve noticed
> (if you are having a conversation about another person's well-being) encourage them to talk openly. Don't complete sentences or jump in to provide a solution or opinion.
You have rights in the workplace. Read more about the US Equal Employment Opportunity Coalition and National Alliance of Mental Illness.
Take 5 simple steps toward better well-being:
1) MOVE : Exercise is a great way to release stress, improve your mood, and increase energy.
2) MINDFULNESS : Pay attention to the world around you. Focus on the present.
3) NUTRITION : Choose wholesome food choices, a colorful plate, and hydrate often.
4) GIVE : Perform acts of kindess. A simple gesture goes a long way for you and the reciever.
5) CONNECT : Increase the amount of positive relationships in your life. Reduce the negative and time consuming.
My Race Has Been Canceled – Now What
Now that we are in uncharted territory with the spread of the coronavirus as a global pandemic, many of you must deal with the cancelation of your respective events. I want to share my thoughts and empathy with you.
First off, running to many of you, as it is for me is much more than exercise. It is a stimulus toa path forward when your road gets muddy and blocked. I have used running throughout my life to “get unstuck” and continue forward. So, I’m acutely aware of the personal disappointment that many of you currently feel.
Our race goals are more than just fun and certainly not fleeting. This can only be understood by you – the walkers, the runners, the goal-setters that you are. There is an incredible personal loss when someone moves the finish line or in this case, takes it away. I nearly experienced this in 2001, after weeks of 100 miles running in preparation for the New York City Marathon. Fortunately for me, that race took place after the tragedy of 9/11, and I can only imagine what it would have done to my morale had it been canceled.
All of us at Runcoach are right there with you and share your disappointment.
So now what?
Here is my Top 5 List of what to do if your race has been canceled.
1) Go run the distance anyway on the day it was scheduled
-Don’t be a renegade and try to run where the race was supposed to take place as that may clog the streets and put you at risk with traffic.
-Instead go to your favorite running route or treadmill, map out a course concomitant with your goal distance.
-Wake up early, do your normal pre-race routine and go run your personal race.
-Take a friend if you can (and consider keeping a safe distance throughout your personal race)
2) Write a race report
-Enter it on Runcoach if you like so that our coaches can share in your accomplishment
-If you’re not a social type, take the time to draft an email to yourself – highlight your training journey, the ups and downs and how it went when you traversed a different course with no spectators for support
3) Choose a New Goal in the future (preferably at least 10 weeks out)
4) Acknowledge Your Loss
-Losing a race goal is hard
-Contemplate that when you run your replacement race
-Remember – The best is yet to come
5)Be Grateful
-This situation doesn’t take away your fitness or your accomplishment
It is hard to be disappointed when you are grateful
Obviously, there are many far of worse than you – the active and motivated participant
We are runners and we persevere. All of us at Runcoach feel your pain and are excited to help you reach you next goal.
The most effective treatment is rest.
If your knee is swollen, ice, compress and elevate.
If you can find a pool, you can swim to maintain aerobic conditioning.
Get a massage on your quads, hips, and hamstrings
Foam roll 2-3 times per day
Perform IT band, glute stretngth exercises
Video demonstrating Hamstring Bridge (also works glutes)
Video demonstrating Single Leg Squat
Video demonstrating Glute Stretch
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
Most often felt in the heel, over 50% of Americans will experience this pain during their lifetime.
Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a condition caused by drastic or sudden increases in mileage, poor foot structure, and inappropriate running shoes, which can overload the plantar fascia (the connective tissue that runs from your heel to the base of your toes), resulting in heel pain.
Self Identify PF:
- Sharp stab or deep ache in the heel
- Pain on the bottom of the foot in the arch
- Worst in the mornings. First few steps out of bed are excrucating
- Pain experienced during "push off" while running
Common causes of plantar fasciitis:
PF occurs due to a variety of reasons: overuse of improper, non-supportive shoes, over-training in sports, lack of flexibility, weight gain, too much standing.
Plantar Fasciitis Treatment:
As with any pain ice and rest is the first step. Fill a bucket of water and add ice to it. Stick your foot in. Another option is to freeze a plastic bottle of water and roll your foot with it.
Other options:
- Use a lacrosse ball or golf ball to massage your foot. Gently roll over the pain spots.
- Use an Arch support
- Update your shoes
If pain is present for more than three weeks, see a medical professional about the problem. Treatment options such as orthotics, foot taping, cortisone injections, night splints, and anti-inflammatories can help.