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October 25, 2017

Runcoach Success Story: Haley Carwile

Written by Jennifer Van Allen
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haleycarwile Haley Carwile

Major milestone: 2017 Marine Corps Marathon 

What is the secret to your success? I followed my Runcoach MCM training program from start to finish -- over 787 running miles!  My secret to success was never giving up.  Even if I had to set my alarm for 3:45 AM to get those long runs in!

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? One week before my race, I sprained my achilles tendon doing a recovery run on the treadmill.  I had never injured myself before and had no idea how it would impact my race.  I rested, iced, and took over the counter painkillers all week and set a personal goal to run the race as best as I could.  I used mental toughness to get through 26.2 miles with an injury.

What is the most rewarding part of training? Seeing results! (I was able to run a 7:30 mile by the end.) Always having something new to try (great workout variation), I loved receiving new workouts each week, and watching the logged miles get higher and higher! Runcoach was amazing through my entire training process.  

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community? You are strong.  You are tough.  Stick to the training and TRUST it! 

Last modified on November 15, 2017
Jennifer Van Allen

Jennifer Van Allen

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