In the Spotlight: Genentech
Kara Teklinski only started running 10 years ago. But she’s already completed more than 85 endurance events, from Ironman triathlons to 100-mile ultramarathons, using the Marin Headlands and Mt. Tam as her training grounds. “I see any race or event I do as an accomplishment‚” she says, “no matter how fast or slow I go.”
Kara Teklinski
Group program manager
Favorite fitness activity: trail running
Are you training for anything in particular? I see any race or event I do as an accomplishment no matter how fast or slow I go. Right now I have my sights on the San Diego 100 Mile Endurance Run in June. I did not finish this same race in 2016 due to missing a time cut off by 4 minutes around mile 70. The past 6 months have been complete focus and dedication to finishing it this year. Fingers crossed!
What advice would you give for any aspiring trail runners? Just go out and try it! It may be a mile or ten, but the first step to getting into trail running is taking it to the trails. If most of your running experience has been on the roads though, be prepared to be a LOT slower on trails. And trails mean hills! It’s okay to take a few walk breaks. a The first and hardest step is getting out the door. I do most of my training in the Marin Headlands and Mt. Tam, since it is basically out my backdoor. I train for ultra-distance events, so I have been come very familiar with this area. If anyone is looking to head out on the Marin trails feel free to reach out to me with questions!
What advice would you give to other members of the Challenge? Register for an event that takes you out of your comfort level. Train with friends. Have a training plan that you will stick to that is still flexible with your life andwork changes.
What’s the biggest obstacle to moving more?Sitting at a desk all day. I try to take breaks or at least walk to a different building for meetings.
What’s the most rewarding part of the Genentech Moves 500,000-Mile Challenge? Seeing others move more!
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