What is IT Band Syndrome?
- Tightness at the outside of the hip.
- Soreness in the lateral (outside) quad muscle.
- Swelling around the knee
The easiest thing to do is use a foam roller, "the stick" or some other form of self massage. This is probably the most effective thing you can do to keep the IT Band loose. There are also various IT Band stretches but many people have a hard time getting into a position where they actually feel an effective IT Band stretch.
- -Lazy stretching routine
- -Pushing too hard -- run too far or for too long
- -Lack of rest between workouts
- -Worn-out sneakers
- -Steep downhill runs
- -Running only on one side of the road (Roads slope toward the curb, which tilt your hips and IT band)
The most effective treatment is rest.
If your knee is swollen, ice, compress and elevate.
If you can find a pool, you can swim to maintain aerobic conditioning.
Get a massage on your quads, hips, and hamstrings
Foam roll 2-3 times per day
Perform IT band, glute stretngth exercises
Video demonstrating Hamstring Bridge (also works glutes)
Video demonstrating Single Leg Squat
Video demonstrating Glute Stretch