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What are you up to?

I’m currently trying to organize my year of racing and training camps. This year I’m trying to focus on being more conscious with my strength training and working more on all the “small things” (like mobility, nutrition, PT etc)…so the big things can happen!

What are you reading?IMG_8839

9 Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty

What are you listening to?

My favorite music genre is “chill trance” according to Spotify (it sounds intense…but I find it very relaxing!). I’ve always liked Rufus du Sol and Deadmau5.

What are your non-running goals for 2025?

This year I’d love to see my family a little more as well as expand my cooking skills - maybe take a cookery class! I love oil painting also so I’d love to do more of this, if time allows.

Ok, but what about running?

One of my main goals this year is the Gold Coast marathon. I’d love to run some track 10ks too!

winter_runningThe days are getting shorter, temperatures are dropping, snow is falling and your schedule is filling up.  Are you starting to doubt that you’ll keep your fitness goals on track all winter long?  We’ve got you covered!  Here are some tips to maximize your training opportunities: 

  1. Apparel makes a huge difference! You don't have to spend a lot of money on expensive gear, but layering is key.  Plan to wear an outer layer that blocks the wind and an inner layer that wicks the moisture away from your skin.  If it's extemely cold, add a mid-layer. 
  2. Don't overdress.  You'll definitely warm up as you start moving so pretend you are going to workout in weather that is 10 to 15 degrees warmer than it actually is. 
  3. Run or walk in daylight whenever possible so you will be able to watch your footing.  If you must workout in the dark, always wear a reflective vest and bright clothing.
  4. Give yourself extra time to warm up.  Your muscles will need it.  Start out slowly and gradually increase your pace.
  5. We sometimes forget to drink enough water when it's colder.  Be sure to drink both before and after your workouts to avoid dehydration.
  6. Use winter training to build steady, consistent mileage. This period is all about building endurance, so prioritize weekly mileage and gradually strengthen your foundation for the year ahead.
Treadmills can be boring, but if you can't find a safe trail or road, don't be afraid to head indoors.  Just keep these 2 tips in mind:
  1. A treadmill ‘pulls’ the ground underneath your feet, and there isn't any wind resistance.  Both of these factors make treadmill workouts a little easier.  Setting the treadmill at a 1 or 2% incline will offset these differences.
  2. Be careful not to alter your form.  It can be tempting to start leaning forward at the hips or to grasp the handrail.  Look for a treadmill in front of a mirror so that you can make sure you maintain your normal form and posture.

Updated by Cally Macumber 

How Trust, Flexibility, and Fun Led to a 50-Minute PR at 53

Major milestone:

I had an injury, then covid struck, I was honestly beginning to worry about making it to the start line of Marine Corps Marathon! With the help of Coach Rosie keeping me on track, I had a 50 min. 16 second MCM PR! How_Trust_Flexibility_and_Fun_Led_to_a_50-Minute_PR_at_53_1

What is the secret to your success?

Trust your coach and trust the training, being willing to adjust and pivot, and don't be afraid to eat! I had to fuel my body more and know it's ok to actually run less and allow my body to recover. I would be ok!

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it?

The biggest obstacle was getting out of my head and believing that I needed to trust my body, even at the age of 53 I can do hard things while having FUN!

What is the most rewarding part of training?

For me the TRAINING IS FUN. I like the different assignments but also being willing to pivot and adjust. The communication between Coach Rosie and myself was always working together well.

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?

Have fun and enjoy the experience. It won't be perfect but if you're willing to pivot and adjust, trust your coach, everything will work out for your race!

Anything else you would like to share?

I've been with the program for years now. There's a reason. It works. Why change sometimes that works?

We’re excited to announce that Runcoach will be partnering with the World Athletics Road Running Championships San Diego – 25, September 26-28!

This is your chance to join the world's best runners as they compete for the title of World Champion - and, with our coaching services, you'll be well-prepared to take on the challenge!world_athletics

Race Schedule:

  • Friday, September 26: 1 Mile
  • Saturday, September 27: 5K
  • Sunday, September 28: Half Marathon

With Runcoach by your side, you’ll receive personalized training plans and expert coaching to help you reach your goals for one, two, or all three race distances over the championship weekend!

Register today to take advantage of special early registration pricing. Use Promo Code = Runcoach for a discount until November 30, 2024. Can't make it to San Diego in 2025? You can still participate by registering for one of the Virtual Races!

Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to elevate your performance with Runcoach and be part of an unforgettable event.

After a Decade Away, Runner Crushes Her Half Marathon

Major milestone:

Age 51: Baltimore Half Marathon, goal 2:30:00, chip time 2:28:57. First race in almost 10 years! Also, very first race over 10k that I did not walk a single step! 

What is the secret to your success? Jessica_Ditto

Coach Tom, and sticking to the plan. I didn't miss a single workout, which was so easy with Coach Tom guiding me the whole way!

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it?

I wasn't a morning runner, but I work late so I had to make myself get up and go early, often before daylight. Totally worth it though!

What is the most rewarding part of training?

Watching the paces drop, and knowing I can continue to get faster into my 50s and beyond!

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?

Listen to your coach! They know what they are doing, and are amazing!

Anything else you would like to share?

I am running a 10k in 3 weeks, and even though I told myself I would never run another full marathon after my last 2 were close to 6 hours, I signed up for a race in April and I am dying to start training for it.

What feedback would you offer on the Runcoach experience? 

This is the best training program/coach I have ever had! Could not be more happy!

33 Minutes Faster: A Marathon Transformation Story

Major milestone:

I was able to run a marathon 33 minutes faster than my personal best. And it’s all because of the coaching app.

What is the secret to your success? drink

I am terrible at planning and sticking to a strict run schedule. This year I trusted the coach and made sure to follow what he said and just that alone made all the difference.

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it?

My biggest obstacle was scheduling runs and not knowing what distances my long runs should be. The coach app helped me know that this weekend I would need to run so much and that I should take rest days. I didn’t want to over do it so I made sure to never go over the mileage too much.

What is the most rewarding part of training?

Honestly, the rewarding part was getting all new personal records at almost every run. The most rewarding part was when I was running my marathon I realized I was much better prepared this time, and when I realized I was so close to getting a sub 4 hour marathon (I was over by 33 seconds and I know exactly where those seconds were). Nothing felt better than crossing the finish line knowing I trained for this and it was all worth it

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?

Trust the coaches. They absolutely know what they are doing and it shows. I used the Runcoach app twice now. The first time I didn’t fully listen to it. The second time I did and it helped more than I could have hoped for.

Anything else you would like to share?

I registered for the app at the middle of training for a marathon. I realized I was a month behind in my training and I needed guidance. I registered and explained to coach Tom all the different runs I had and my concern that I was behind in my long run distances. Coach Tom immediately adjusted my runs, it was intimidating that I had to start my long runs at 12 miles that weekend but I knew I could do it and with each long run and each daily run I felt more and more confident in my running abilities. I will definitely be using the coach app again next year!

As fall brings cooler weather and exciting races, runners often ramp up their training. But while increasing mileage is key, rest days are just as important to staying strong and injury-free. Understanding the role of rest days can be a game-changer. So, what exactly are the benefits of incorporating rest days into your schedule? Here are some points to consider:

Rest Days Aid in Muscle Repair 

Recovery days allow your muscles to repair and rebuild, making you stronger for future runs. meditate

Prevent Fatigue and Injury

Skipping rest can lead to burnout and injuries, hindering your progress.

Frequency of Rest Days

While every athlete is different, 1-2 rest days per week is a good baseline. Listen to your body - take more rest if you’re sore or overly tired.

Active Recovery Options

On rest days, you can consider low-impact activities like walking or yoga to promote blood flow without strain

Rest in the Taper

As race day approaches, rest becomes essential to allow your body to recover and perform at its best.

Post-Race Recovery

After the race, give yourself time to rest before resuming training to avoid injury.

Rest is Part of Progress

Rest days are not a setback; they are a vital component of a successful training plan.

Rest Promotes Super Compensation

This is when you observe a number of physiological benefits from the stress of training such as increased heart stroke volume, improved blood chemistry, pervasive capillarization, other cellular adaptations. In other words, after you stress the body with workouts and long runs it is in recovery where your body says “I have to build myself up for the next run”.

By balancing rest and training, you’ll stay injury-free and strong, setting yourself up for success on race day.

From Non-Runner to Marathoner: Crushing a Sub-5 Goal

Major milestone:

First Marathon at 40+!! Non-runner. Goal - sub-5 Actual- 4:52:44. Mind blown!! My half PR- 2:08:23! Simply stoked!shwetha

What is the secret to your success?

Consistency, patience, and grit!!

What is the most rewarding part of training?

Keeping on target range per Runcoach!! Absolutely fantastic plan! Cally you go girl!!

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?

Discipline, go easy on days you can’t control.

Anything else you would like to share?

Just immensely grateful for the most realistic and reasonable plan. Awesome job Runcoach!

What feedback would you offer on the Runcoach experience?

Fantastic!! Made my dream come true and with a mind-blowing pace! I acknowledge I am not Kipchoge but definitely more than that! I am a full time professional, mom of two elementary school kids. And yet I did this! Super proud of myself and the running community. My husband played a very supportive role. Just super thankful.

As your fall marathon grows nearer, the power of your mind becomes a key determinant of your success. Beyond physical training, mental resilience is vital for conquering the challenges ahead. This blog post focuses on 5 tips to harness your mental strength throughout your training segment, ensuring you're mentally prepared for your marathon journey. Mental_Strength_for_your_Fall_Marathon

1. Visualize Victory:

Visualization is a powerful tool. Envision your successful marathon, from the starting line to crossing the finish. By mentally rehearsing your achievement, you boost confidence and alleviate anxiety.

2. Set Smart Goals:

Set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals with your coach. We can help provide direction and motivation during training, anchoring your efforts in purpose.

3. Positive Self-Talk:

Your internal dialogue matters. Foster self-encouragement and counter self-doubt with affirmations. A positive self-talk routine builds mental resilience. You are determined, strong, and capable. 

4. Embrace Challenges:

Challenges are often unavoidable opportunities in disguise. Adopt a growth mindset and learn from difficulties. Overcoming obstacles fortifies your mental toughness. There is nothing you cannot overcome.

5. Practice Mindfulness:

Stay present during training runs and the race itself. Techniques like focused breathing enhance focus and calmness.

Through visualization, goal setting, positive self-talk, embracing challenges, and mindfulness, you can elevate your mental game for your fall marathon. Your mental strength is your secret weapon - use it to shape your success!

6. Trust the Taper:

As Coach Rosie says: "The paces that may feel challenging in training now will feel significantly easier on race day. Remember that your legs will be fresh and you will reap the benefits of your hard work. Soak up the energy from the crowd and allow it to drive you forward. Above all, celebrate all of the hard work you have put in. This is your time to shine."

7. Break it Down: 

Coach Tom likes to say:  “Don’t think the of the Marathon as a 26-mile event, instead think of it as a series of 26 mile repeats”.  This implores simple focus on the next mile as the personal Marathon experience usually ebbs and flows.  So try not to think of Mile 26 when you’re at Mile 8.  Instead focus on Mile 9 and get through that.  Often times the break down of both workouts and the race itself into singular steps, make the process that much more palatable."


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