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April 24, 2017

Movecoach Success Story: Ward Kadel

Written by Jennifer Van Allen
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In the Spotlight: Genentech

2resize_wardkadel_genentech_cropWard Kadel
Senior Scientific Researcher 
Oncology Biomarker Development

Favorite fitness activity: Competing in triathlons. I recently competed in my first Olympic-distance triathlon of the year, my hometown HITS Napa Valley Triathlon  in beautiful Lake Berryessa.  While it was a very chilly 34F at the swim start, I posted a respectable 03:11:28 on the hilly course by the sunny end. Good fun!"

What’s the secret to your success? I've learned that whenever I hit a bump in the road or a lull in my training, that "I will rebound." That's actually a mantra I use a lot, during my workouts.

What’s the biggest challenge of moving more? Time. I just work very hard each week to find where my workouts can fit in, and then seize that time for the best workout that I can accomplish. I sometimes only have 10 to 15 minutes to workout, so I [mapped out] 1-, 2-, and 3-mile loops around campus. I also will do some of the very short but intense workouts provided by the Fitstar and Fitstar Yoga apps.

What is the most rewarding part of the Genentech 500,000-Mile Challenge? It's very fun to see where I land across the many people that are competing in this challenge and to know that all of them are my own coworkers.

Advice for other members of the Challenge: When I miss a month of working out, I truly miss the beneficial whole body and mind effects. That helps me to get back at it. After many of these periods (life gets in the way!), I know that the first two to three weeks are just going to be very hard, but after that, it gets so much easier to get stronger, healthier and to stay motivated!

You can read Ward's blog here.

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Last modified on June 14, 2017
Jennifer Van Allen

Jennifer Van Allen

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