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February 11, 2023

Runcoach Success Story: Frank Carter

Written by Cally Macumber
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NYRR athlete, Frank Carter, joins us to talk about his recent accomplishments and learnings.

Sport Running Major milestone: I was able to run a marathon 33 minutes faster than my personal best. And it’s all because of the coaching app.Frank_Carter__1
What is the secret to your success? I am terrible at planning and sticking to a strict run schedule. This year I trusted the coach and made sure to follow what he said and just that alone made all the difference.

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? My biggest obstacle was scheduling runs and not knowing what distances my long runs should be. The coach app helped me know what I would need to run and that I should take rest days. I didn’t want to over do it, so I made sure to never go over the mileage too much.

What is the most rewarding part of training? Honestly, the rewarding part was getting all new personal records at almost every run. The most rewarding part was when I was running my marathon and I realized I was much better prepared this time. And, when I realized I was so close to getting a sub 4 hour marathon (I was over by 33 seconds and I know exactly where those seconds were). Nothing felt better than crossing the finish line knowing I trained for this and it was all worth it.

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community? Trust the coaches. They absolutely know what they are doing and it shows. I used the Runcoach app twice now. The first time I didn’t fully listen to it. The second time I did and it helped more than I could have hoped for.

Anything else you would like to share? I registered for the app at the middle of training for a marathon. I realized that I was a month behind in my training and I needed guidance. I registered and explained to coach Tom all the different runs I had, and my concern that I was behind in my long run distances. Coach Tom immediately adjusted my runs. It was intimidating that I had to start my long runs at 12 miles that weekend, but I knew I could do it. With each long run and each daily run, I felt more and more confident in my running abilities. I will definitely be using the coach app again next year!

Last modified on February 27, 2023
Cally  Macumber

Cally Macumber

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