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June 26, 2018

Runcoach Success Story: Melinda

Written by Neely Gracey
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  • We are so thrilled to be a part of Melinda's Marine Corps Marathon success.
    IMG_0781Her attitude of setting big goals that are scary, and then putting in the work to make them reality by pushing herself beyond her comfort zone, is what the journey of running is all about! From those who just ran their first mile ever, to the greatest Olympian, every runner goes through these same emotions so we wanted to share this story with you so you know you're not alone!

  • Finished the Marine Corps Marathon 2017
  • Patience with myself, discipline & I trusting my training. I put my training in the hands of others that know better than I do.
  • The mental challenge!! I have a busy life makes it pretty normal to have days where you just don’t want to...(enter whatever here. Run, Gym, Work, Clean the house) Getting over that goal defeating monologue that can run through my head. I remind myself daily I am pretty sure that is just part being human. It’s Okay to feel that way but I am not going to achieve what I want if I give into it.
  • Sense of personal achievement. I am a slooow runner, I am never going to win any races, get any trophies...I am okay with that. Running has always been a challenge for me, I have to push myself daily physically & mentally to do it. There is nothing more satisfying than completing something that I don’t think I can!
  • Be gentle with yourself & Trust your training. Take each workout as it comes and do your best at that moment. It’s cliche but if this was easy everyone would be doing it, so embrace that fact, celebrate it, celebrate your training!
  • I have always had a image of what a runner is. I don’t fit that picture. I am super slow, I am not skinny, I have thick legs, I carry extra weight. I like sweets and pizza...I can go on and on with my “doubts” on the fact that I am a runner. What’s the truth is I have completed a marathon & 10+ half marathons. I have logged thousands of miles in training and I love to run. That is what makes me a runner.

  • Runcoach has been an awesome tool for training. It takes the guesswork & “my way” out of the equation. Left to my own devices I would probably over or under train. Last year was a great experience.

    Tell us your story!
Last modified on July 05, 2018
Neely Gracey

Neely Gracey

Neely was born into this sport, literally. Her dad (Steve Spence, 1992 Olympic marathoner and 1991 World Champs Bronze Medalist) was running the Boston Marathon on the day she was born. She grew up in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania and in 8th grade set some big goals for herself.

While running for Shippensburg University, Neely broke Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) records, won 17 PSAC titles, and was named the conference athlete of the year for every season while at Shippensburg from 2008 to 2011. She is an eight-time NCAA DII Champion and still holds two NCAA records.

In 2016, Neely debuted at the Boston Marathon and was the first American finisher in 2:35. Later that year, she took it a step further with a 2:34 and 8th place finish at the NYC marathon. In 2017, Neely clocked victories at Rock ‘n Roll’s Arizona, New Orleans, and Chicago Half Marathons and was Runner-Up at the USA half marathon and 25k Championship races. She is excited for what the next year will bring as she pauses from her running career to start a family. She ultimately hopes to build towards the 2020 Olympic year.

Today, Neely lives in Boulder, CO with her husband Dillon and their Vizsla, Strider. They are happily entrenched in the running community. Between training, and competing, she enjoys coaching and helping other runners chase their goals!

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