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April 27, 2017

Movecoach Success Story: Allison Warrell

Written by Jennifer Van Allen
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In the spotlight: Shea Companies

Allison Warrell
National Purchasing Specialist—South Region mc_4allisonwarrell

Favorite Fitness Activity: Weight Lifting. Six years ago I started my journey to lose weight. Originally was a cardio junkie, but I didn’t like the results. I hired a personal trainer who taught me all about weight lifting and I got hooked. Once I started to see my body changing I set a goal to compete in body building. To date I have competed in 4 shows with my 5th show is coming up in June.

What’s the secret to your success? I work hard, stay focused on my diet, and enjoy working out. Competitive Bodybuilding has become my hobby that I love.

What’s your biggest challenge, and how do you overcome it? I stand 3'11" tall. Gym equipment is not made for someone of my stature. I have learned how to modify gym equipment to use it so that it is proper and effective.

What’s the most rewarding part of participating in the Shea Moves 750,000 Miles Challenge? I compete in NPC women's physique division as a bodybuilder. Getting on stage after a hard long 16-18 week prep and showing everything you have worked so hard for is the most rewarding thing ever.

What advice would you give to other members of the challenge? I am a personal trainer as well. I tell my clients I just need them to move. Once they start moving typically it becomes more of a habit after 21 days. Stay Strong and Focused! Remember slow and steady wins the race!    

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Last modified on June 14, 2017
Jennifer Van Allen

Jennifer Van Allen

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