Calling all Bay to Breakers trainees and local FNF athletes!
Please join us this Saturday (February 26th) at 9AM for a group training run starting at the Justin Herman Plaza.
In honor of the 100th running of the race, the grandson of Robert Jackson "Bobby" Vlught, the first Bay to Breakers champion, will present the 1912 trophy to the Bay to Breakers committee.
Justin Herman Plaza is located at the foot of Market Street at the Embarcadero, just behind the Hyatt Regency Hotel. It is just across the street from the Ferry Building.
You can find driving directions here, but we recommend taking BART or Muni to the Embarcadero Station. If you drive, there are parking garages at Embarcadero Center, and at various locations South of Market.
We hope many of you can enjoy us for this special event honoring the great legacy of the Bay to Breakers!